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Diabetes Awareness Week: Type 1 Diabetics Plead No More Preventable Deaths Election Commitment Urgently Needed

12 July 2016
Diabetes Awareness Week: Type 1 Diabetics Plead No More Preventable Deaths Election Commitment Urgently Needed

The DANII Foundation, the voice of Type 1 Diabetics (T1D) in Australia ran a very successful pre-election campaign that resulted in election commitments from both sides of politics. A fantastic effort that is now known as ‘Danii’s Gift’.

The DANII Foundation was founded after the unnecessary death of Daniella Meads-Barlow aged 17.
“Daniella died in her sleep as a result of Nocturnal Hypoglycemia, an unnecessary death that claims at least another young Australian every week a death that could have been avoided with a continuous glucose monitor.” said Donna Meads-Barlow, founder of the DANII Foundation

“PM Turnbull joined Health Minister Sussan Ley in June to of commit $54M to Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM). CGM’s are live saving and life changing, providing constant blood glucose readings and alarming if the level is dangerously high or low. This technology is life-saving during sleep, as a diabetic can simply fall into a coma and never wake up.” said Donna Meads-Barlow.

“We are thankful that the government is funding best practice and preventing unnecessary deaths, this is the prime reason we set up the Foundation. We need to see the promised funding as soon as possible. Soon after the announcement 20 year old Sunshine Coast woman Abby Bowman died in her sleep. Her parents were not even aware that CGM could have prevented this.” said Donna Meads-Barlow

“An extensive international literature review demonstrates the risk of a Type 1 diabetic dying in their sleep is between 4.7 and 27.3% of deaths to T1D’s. In real terms this means anywhere between 7,000 and 28,000 Australians go to bed every night not knowing if they will wake the next morning.”

Whilst we will need to wait until the Turnbull Ministry is formed; this week we observe Diabetes Awareness Week. It is important to recognise how invasive Type 1 Diabetes is for those living with it and their carers. For T1D (unlike T2D) there is no cure, much of the cause is unknown and without insulin T1D’s will die.

“The DANII Foundation is ready to assist the government in the implementation of this policy. DANII’s primary focus is to ensure that every dollar promised by government reaches Type 1 Diabetics. We know in the past that administration fees have taken precious funding away from providing care and support. The DANII Foundation will assist in whatever way it can to ensure every cent of funding supports Type 1 diabetics.” said Susan Alberti AC, DANII Chair.

THE DANII FOUNDATION: The Face of Type 1 Diabetes Across Australia
Contact: Justine Caines 0408 21 02 73

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