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10 Tips for Managing Your Child's Diabetes

Managing your child’s diabetes can be overwhelming, it’s important that you reach out to the diabetes community and often social media is a way to get some quick answers.

1. Parents need to take an active role in diabetes management tasks, regardless of the age of the child.

2. Work with a health care team that is knowledgeable about paediatric diabetes. Finding a great team of doctors, diabetes educators, nutritionists, mental health specialists, child life specialists and other health professionals is essential.

3. See your health care team regularly – at least four times a year.

4. Be honest with your health care team. Do not be afraid to tell them what is difficult for you and your child.

5. Stay positive with your child. Tell him or her all of the things they are doing well, rather than focusing on what they need to work on.

6. Be mindful of your facial expressions and what you say, especially when you see an out of range blood glucose. Stress to your child that there is no “bad” blood glucose, because you want him or her to be honest about their blood glucose levels.

7. Find time to check in with your child about diabetes management.

8. Make sure that you talk about non-diabetes issues as well, like you do with your other children. For example, when your children come home from school, ask them all about their day rather than just focusing on the blood glucose levels of the child with diabetes.

9. Make sure your child does everything that he or she would have done if your child was not diagnosed with diabetes (ex. sports, sleepovers, parties, etc.).

10. Prepare healthy foods for the entire family. A healthy mean plan for someone with diabetes is the same for someone without diabetes.

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