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Donations & Sponsors-How to get them


YOUR DONATION is Saving the lives of Type ONE Diabetes
The DANII Foundation principal aims are to raise awareness of potentially life threatening Hypoglycaemic and Hyperglycaemia; to lobby governments to make affordable life-saving technology such as Continuous Glucose Monitoring with remote alert systems that provide support, security and peace of mind for the management of all who live with type ONE diabetes and the Insulin dependent. The Foundation believes this technology should be readily available and affordable to every single person living with T1D.  DANII provides financial assistance and 14-Day free trials in life-saving diabetes management technology.

The DANII Foundation aspires to create awareness and strengthen community knowledge about “What is type ONE Diabetes”, and to share the seriousness of type ONE diabetes and its impact on the lives of those affected, including family and friends. DANII supports the Diabetes Community through advocacy, education and financial support. DANII is the voice of all affected by diabetes.

We accept donations by credit card, cheque, or money order or direct deposit. To make a donation online select from the options on our website or download the Donation Form.


Please Volunteer For Us

Organise a Fundraiser Locally
The Bunnings Sausage Sizzle is a popular fundraiser for schools and community groups because they’re low cost to set up, easy to organise and fairly straightforward to run. But there are sausage sizzles and then there are Bunnings sausage sizzles…

Is my donation tax-deductible?
Donations of $2 or more are fully tax-deductible. If you make a donation via our website, a receipt will be emailed to you immediately. For donations made through other payment channels, please include information about your donation when the donation is made, either by post, fax, or email, and a receipt will be sent to you directly. If you have made a donation but have not received a receipt, please call us with the details of your donation and we will send your receipt as soon as possible.

The DANII Foundation is a current DGR (deductible gift recipient). Registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). For more information about tax deductibility you should seek financial advice or visit our website for the ATO download HERE

Who can I contact with a question about donations?
Please call the DANII team +61 (0) 455 905 904 or email for assistance.


Let’s celebrate!
Whether for a birthday, anniversary, wedding, or another special occasion, a thoughtful and generous way to show a friend or loved one you care is to make a donation in lieu of a gift.
When making your donation make sure you indicate the celebration occasion and include the full name of the person you are celebrating, as well as their mailing address.
We will mail your honouree a special handwritten card letting them know about your gift (this notification will not include your donation amount, just your name). You will receive a tax receipt and your donation will be fully tax-deductible.

It’s my party …
If you’re special occasion is coming up and you would like to encourage friends to make a donation to the DANII Foundation in lieu of gifts, first of all, THANK YOU!
One of the easiest ways to ask for donations to be made in lieu of gifts is to include donation envelopes with party invitations. Please call or email us to order your donation envelopes. Otherwise, you can ask friends to make a donation via our website, cheque or bank deposit listing your name as the honouree. If you are interested in more extensive fundraising please ask us for a booklet to be posted to you.

Wedding Bomboniere
What better way to make your guests feel special than by making a donation in lieu of traditional wedding favours. To acknowledge your gift, we can provide you with wedding bomboniere cards which you may place appropriately on the day notifying your guests that a donation has been made in their honour. Your donation is fully tax-deductible.

Please call the Donation team on + 61 (0) 455 905 904 to discuss your needs for your special day.


Making a donation in memoriam is a considerate and powerful way to honour your friend or loved one. When making your donation, please include the full name of the tribute recipient. If you would like us to notify their next of kin of your gift, make sure you also include the next of kin’s full name and mailing address.

We will promptly mail a personalised sympathy card to the nominated individual or family letting them know about your gift. You will receive a tax receipt and your donation will be fully tax-deductible.

As well as accepting donations through our website, post and direct deposit, we are able to provide collection envelopes for memoriam donations. If you would like to order donation envelopes for a memorial service please click here or call + 61 (0) 455 905 904.

The following is our suggested wording for inclusion in an obituary or other tribute:

In lieu of flowers donations to the DANII Foundation would be greatly appreciated. Donations can be made at or by post to DANII Foundation, 1/6 Moore Avenue, Lindfield NSW 2070; Australia.


We are always looking for donations of goods and services. Some of our most common needs are raffle and auction prizes, office equipment and venues for events or meetings. Please register your interest in making an in-kind donation by email or contact the Donation team on + 61 (0) 455 905 904. We will provide a certificate acknowledging your donation on receipt, as some donated goods may be tax-deductible.

If you are interested in donating time as a volunteer, please visit Become a Volunteer.


Workplace giving is a simple and effective way for individuals to make regular donations to the DANII Foundation through automated payroll deductions.

Donating $20 each pay period through workplace giving will cost you only $13.70 and the DANII Foundation will receive the full $20.**Based on a marginal tax rate of 32.5%.

Workplace giving allows you as an employee to make a regular donation off your gross pay. Your employer sends your donation to us in one lump sum along with other employees’ donations. You can easily claim a deduction for donations in your annual tax return off the information provided by your employer on your employee payment summary. It’s a quick and easy way for you to support the DANII Foundation, and because we receive your donation in a lump sum and don’t need to send you an individual tax receipt, it’s also quick and easy for us to process.

To enrol in workplace giving contact your payroll or human resources manager to find out about your company’s program or for more information please contact

The DANII Foundation is proud to be supported through workplace giving programs at companies and organisations large and small, throughout Australia.

Establishing a workplace giving program engages your employees and demonstrates your commitment to corporate social responsibility. A program is easy to set-up and is a simple, efficient way to support your employees’ desire to give back to their community. In addition, implementing a matched giving program – whereby the company matches all or a percentage of employees’ contributions – is a powerful incentive, bringing employees together and boosting morale as well as substantially increasing your combined support.

To learn more about the DANII Foundation workplace giving program, or for information on establishing your company’s program, please contact the Donation team anytime on +61 (0) 455 905 904 or email

Important information about workplace giving can be found on the ATO website (including their Guide to Workplace Giving).


Leaving a legacy in your Will is a powerful way to support the DANII Foundation. All money donated to the DANII Foundation helps fund the introduction of Type 1 diabetes life-saving technology that will alert parents and carers of emergency diabetes complications together with education and awareness of diabetes in communities’ right across Australia and we anticipate eventually globally.

If you would like to make a bequest, we recommend you seek advice from your solicitor when making or updating your Will.

Sample wording to include a bequest in your Will:

I GIVE $________ to the DANII Foundation of 1/6 Moore Avenue, Lindfield; New South Wales. PROVIDED THAT if that organisation cannot receive a gift, then that gift shall be made to the charitable organisation in the relevant jurisdiction that my executor considers most closely reflects the objectives of the originally nominated organisation.

If you are thinking about leaving a bequest to the DANII Foundation or would like more information, please contact the DANII team on +61 (0) 455 905 904 or email

Donations & Sponsors-How to get them

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