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Australia somewhat lags behind a number of other countries that have provided funded CGM technology to T1D’s.

For people living with T1D, keeping blood glucose levels in a normal range is difficult to achieve and can place an enormous burden on families.

One of the most significant day-to-day challenges is hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose). Some T1D’s suffer with hypos (severe hypoglycaemia) and experience them more frequently. Some people with type 1 diabetes have “hypo unawareness” and do not experience the same physiological warnings towards dangerous hypos; and some people (and families) experience significant fear of hypos with high levels of distress and anxiety. Every year in Australia there are preventable deaths from hypoglycaemia during sleep, The DANII Foundation is aware that this number is rising. CGM Technology has the capacity to prevent unnecessary deaths that are largely Australians under 40.

Some T1D’s experience serious hyperglycemia (very high blood glucose). If left untreated, this can result in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) which “lead to coma and which can be fatal.”

Maintaining effective control of blood glucose levels is a critical component to maintaining wellness as it delays the onset, and slows the progression, of the major complications associated with diabetes, including blindness, kidney failure and amputation.

CGM technology is a cost-effective measure to manage blood glucose levels and pre-empt occurrences of hypoglycaemia and diabetic ketoacidosis. The early detection can result in better clinical outcomes with a reduction in health costs in both the short and longer term.

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