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6th April 2017 Media Release CGM Announcement Angela Grant QLD

DANII’s Gift Realised with $54M Program Announced

 12 year old Brisbane Girl, Abby Grant One of the First to Receive Life Saving Device

Parents should never have to say goodbye to their children, especially aged 17. In 2011 on the eve of her HSC exams, Daniella Meads-Barlow died from nocturnal hypoglycaemia, as a result of being a Type 1 Diabetic.

As her parents, Donna and Brian Meads-Barlow dealt with the loss of their only daughter they were dealt another blow-
“We were told that technology being used elsewhere in the world, Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM’s), would have saved Daniella’s life. From that moment we vowed Daniella’s death would not be in vein.”said DANII Foundation creator, Donna Meads-Barlow.

“This vow has been realised, when on Saturday, Federal HealthGreg Hunt announced the  implementation of their election promise of $54M to subsidise CGM’s for eligible Type 1 Diabetics under 21 years. This is truly ‘Danii’s Gift’ as announced” said Donna Meads-Barlow.

“CGM’s not only avoid Type 1 Diabetics needing to prick their finger to test their blood sugar, they also can provide an alarm system to prevent deadly low blood sugar, hypoglycaemia that can result in a diabetic falling into a coma and dying in their sleep. Other than these life saving features they also promise great improvements in daily life for diabetics and their carers and a reduction in hospital admissions and debilitating morbidity such as amputation and blindness.”

For 12 year old Brisbane girl, Abby Grant, she has been living with the daily challenges of Type 1 Diabetes since she was diagnosed at 19 months of age in 2006.

As a single mum of 4 the cost of CGM technology was basically out of reach. In order to keep her safe, however she withdrew money from her homeloan and maxed her credit card.

Today though, Abby is one of the first in Queensland and Australia to benefit from the government funding for CGM’s and as a single Mother of 4, her Mum Angela could not be happier.

“This device truly is lifesaving. It not only assures us that Abby is safe, especially while at school, it brings to us a quality of life we simply could not have without it.” said Angela

Information roadshows will be held across Queensland, in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Townsville and Cairns in April and May. Details at

 Contact: Justine Caines 0408 21 02 73

THE DANII FOUNDATION: The Face of Type 1 Diabetes Across Australia

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