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Diabetes Awareness Week: Type 1 Diabetics Plead No More Preventable Deaths Election Commitment Urgently Needed

12 July 2016 Diabetes Awareness Week: Type 1 Diabetics Plead No More Preventable Deaths Election Commitment Urgently Needed The DANII Foundation, the voice of Type 1 Diabetics (T1D) in Australia ran a very successful pre-election campaign that resulted in election commitments from both sides of politics. A fantastic effort that is now known as ‘Danii’s Gift’. The DANII Foundation was founded after the unnecessary death of Daniella Meads-Barlow aged 17. “Daniella died in her sleep as a result of Nocturnal Hypoglycemia, an unnecessary death that claims at least another young Australian every week a death that could have been avoided…

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Type 1 Diabetic Community totally overwhelmed with ALP Commitment – Over $80 Million to save and Improve Lives

15 June 2016 Type 1 Diabetic Community totally overwhelmed with ALP Commitment – Over $80 Million to save and Improve Lives The announcement today from Shadow Health Minister Catherine King and Shadow Minister for Families and Payments, Jenny Macklin of $83.4M has overjoyed the Type 1 Diabetic Community. The announcement consists of $79.4M for Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) and $4M for glucose pump therapy, over 4 years. “Quite frankly this will transform the lives of Type 1 Diabetics and their families. This is an investment in the best care available. It is also an example of a visionary approach to…

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DANIIs GIFT – A win for diabetes sufferers

                              DANII Meads-Barlow died in her sleep in the week she was to start the HSC because she couldn’t access technology that would have managed her type 1 diabetes and saved her life. “She went to bed a happy, healthy 17-year-old with a blood sugar level of 12.2, which is safe to go to bed,” says her mother Donna. “When I went to wake her at 6.30am to go to school she had passed away during the night.” Danii’s blood glucose level had dropped so quickly…

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Diabetes devices: Prime Minister reveals $54m plan if elected

THOUSANDS of children with Type 1 diabetes will be given pocket-sized continuous glucose monitoring devices that will save lives and spare families $4000 a year. The device eliminates the need for children to have 10-15 finger pricks a day to test their glucose levels. The new kits will save kids from being woken up in the middle of the night for blood tests to check their glucose levels, and can be combined with insulin pumps to provide more accurate doses. Children and adults under 21 will qualify. Malcolm Turnbull will announce today that if re-elected his government will devote $54…

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Danii’s Gift announced by PM Turnbull and Minister Ley

15 May 2016 Danii’s Gift announced by PM Turnbull and Minister Ley “The announcement today from PM Turnbull and Health Minister Sussan Ley of $54M is a recognition that Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) are live saving and life changing. Importantly it is also a clear acknowledgement to the work of the Danii Foundation who has led the charge for this funding.” said Susan Alberti AC, Chair of the Danii Foundation The Danii Foundation is a national body dedicated to improving the lives of Type 1 Diabetics and their families, founded after the death of Daniella Meads-Barlow aged 17. “Daniella died…

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Minister Ley Makes First Step to avoid unnecessary deaths

3 May 2016 Minister Ley Makes First Step to avoid unnecessary deaths Type 1 diabetics. Type 1 Diabetics suffer from an auto-immune disease that unlike Type 2 Diabetes cannot be reversed through diet and exercise.” said Donna Meads-Barlow, founder of the Danii Foundation. The Danii Foundation is a national body dedicated to improving the lives of Type 1 Diabetics and their families, founded after the death of Daniella Meads-Barlow aged 17. Daniella died in her sleep as a result of Nocturnal Hypoglycemia, an unnecessary death that claims at least another young Australian every week. “The Foundation has stridently advocated for…

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Minister Ley Ignores Health Waste with Lives at Stake

3 May 2016 Minister Ley Ignores Health Waste with Lives at Stake “Today’s Budget has delivered nothing for 140,000 Type 1 diabetics who suffer from an auto-immune disease that unlike Type 2 Diabetes cannot be reversed through diet and exercise.” said Donna Meads-Barlow, founder of the Danii Foundation. The Danii Foundation is a national body dedicated to improving the lives of Type 1 Diabetics and their families, founded after the death of Daniella Meads-Barlow aged 17. Daniella died in her sleep as a result of Nocturnal Hypoglycemia, an unnecessary death that claims at least another young Australian every week. “The…

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