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3 – 7 JULY 2017 Troy Oldroyd Good Times Camp July Scholarship: Melbourne

Troy Oldroyd Good Times Camp July Scholarship:  Melbourne Victorian July School Holidays:  3rd to 7th 2017 National Diabetes Week AUSTRALIA:   9th to 15th July 2017  Troy was a former Camp Counsellor for Camp Blue. His loveable and optimistic personality was felt by all in everything he did. He was happiest when he was giving to others, which is why Troy was such an influential and inspirational Camp Blue counsellor, looked up to by so many. Troy was a recognised and respected member of the Shellharbour Life Saving Community, as well as the local Football and Cricket Clubs and also Jamberoo…

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12th April 2017 Patients’ sweet diabetes boost

CGMS AND TYPE 1 DIABETES: NATIONAL ROADSHOW The Danii Foundation will be delivering educational sessions about continuous glucose monitors on behalf of the government throughout April and May, to 17 locations across the country Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) are lifesaving devices that can prevent deadly hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia that can lead to ketoacidosis, explains the Danii Foundation. On 1 April the Federal Government announced CGMs would be provided free to eligible Type 1 diabetics under the age of 21 through the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS). “This new lifesaving technology will reduce the hassle of the daily finger-prick for people…

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12th April 2017 CGMs and type 1 diabetes: national roadshow

Patients’ sweet diabetes boost Macleay diabetes patients Ebony, Jacob, Harriet, Flynn, Jack and Connor hold their new continuous glucose monitoring units earlier this year. President of the Macleay Valley Coast Diabetes Group, Scott Welsh, has welcomed news that continuous glucose monitoring devices are now available free for eligible children and people under the age of 21 years with type one diabetes. “It makes it affordable, without it, a lot of people wouldn’t be able to afford it,” Mr Welsh said. The continuous glucose monitoring devices monitor the wearer’s blood glucose levels continuously and send updates every five minutes, removing the need to check…

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6th April 2017 Media Release CGM Announcement Angela Grant QLD

DANII’s Gift Realised with $54M Program Announced  12 year old Brisbane Girl, Abby Grant One of the First to Receive Life Saving Device Parents should never have to say goodbye to their children, especially aged 17. In 2011 on the eve of her HSC exams, Daniella Meads-Barlow died from nocturnal hypoglycaemia, as a result of being a Type 1 Diabetic. As her parents, Donna and Brian Meads-Barlow dealt with the loss of their only daughter they were dealt another blow- “We were told that technology being used elsewhere in the world, Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM’s), would have saved Daniella’s life.…

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3rd April 2017 Fed Govt Program for Type 1 Diabetes Courier Mail

Fed Govt Program for Type 1 Diabetes Australian Associated Press April 1, 2017 8:38am People with type 1 diabetes will have access to free glucose monitoring devices under a federal government program. The $54 million program has been praised as a "life-changer" by Diabetes Australia. "This will benefit around 4,000 Australian families with a child or young person with type 1 diabetes who are struggling to manage the condition," DA CEO Professor Greg Johnson said in a statement. The program will save sufferers about $4000 a year by giving them access to continuous glucose monitoring devices for free through the…

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1st April 2017 Federal Government Makes Continuous Glucose Monitoring Kits Free for Diabetic Children Herald

Federal Government Makes Continuous Glucose Monitoring Kits Free for Diabetic Children Lanai Scarr, Senior Writer, News Corp Australia Network April 1, 2017 11:31am Subscriber only EXCLUSIVE PARENTS will no longer have to worry about their diabetic kids dying through the night with the government today announcing free continuous glucose monitoring kits for children and teens under the age of 21. The $54 million dollar announcement by the Federal Government will see a sticker placed on the skin of a child or young person with diabetes to estimate blood glucose levels. Alerts will be sent to parents’ smartphones when their child’s…

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1st April 2017 – DANII – CGM Media Release – Govt Delivers

Calling All Type 1 Diabetics Under 21 years - Are you Eligible for the Government subsidised Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) Initiative? DANII Foundation National Education and Awareness Roadshow As part of their election commitment the Turnbull Government committed $54Million to roll-out life-saving blood glucose monitoring technology to Type 1 diabetics under 21 years. The devices are known as Continuous Glucose Monitors or CGM’s. These devices not only avoid Type 1 diabetics needing to prick their finger to test their blood sugar, they also can provide an alarm system to prevent deadly low blood sugar, hypoglycaemia that can result in a…

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DANII National CGM Roadshow Events APRIL & MAY 2017

Government subsidised Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) initiative DANII Foundation National Roadshow to Support Program Implementation The DANII Foundation was proud to have attended the funding announcement today of Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) for eligible Type 1 diabetics under the age of 21, in what has been labelled DANII’s gift, The initiative is something that makes Brian and myself immensely proud of in what we have achieved together as a type ONE community Voice.  We are proud of #daniisarmy CGM’s are lifesaving devices that can prevent deadly hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia that can lead to ketoacidosis. There are ongoing benefits in the…

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